Living in a land Down Under
Not only do we learn the English language in English class, but we also learn a lot about countries in which English is spoken. The 4th grade learned a lot about Australia in our last unit.
There are seven territories in Australia, and the flag reminds you of the Union Jack. Because Australia is on the Southern hemisphere, they are in the summer season right now.
There is a service called flying doctors in Australia. Because many people live in the outback (the Australian wilderness), it often isn't easy to reach the nearest town, or hospital. This is why some nurses are flown out to the patients with the Royal Fyling Doctor Service.
Australia is famous for its many animals, some of which are also dangerous, or even deadly. But what would Australia be without its koalas and its kangaroos?
The students looked at different sights in Australia, and created some posters with their favourite ones. Here is a selection of some of the posters: